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​Policies and Principles


We will be passionate about improving at the fundamentals of softball, enjoying ourselves

       learning a few life lessons, and winning.

We (Coaches included) will all make an error or mistake. We will seek to learn from our
     mistakes, try not to repeat them and have a positive attitude the next play.

Each of us (coaches, players, parents, etc.) controls our own attitude and effort. Our goal is to
     always put forth our best personal effort and maintain a positive attitude.

We will not be softball 24/7. However, we will only carry 12 players and it is paramount that
     each player be at all practices and games. If a player must miss an activity, they are required to
     let the Head Coach know via phone or email with as much notice as possible.

We will treat our teammates, coaches, parents, opponents and umpires with respect. We will
     not criticize or yell at them. We will cheer, we will have fun and we will be positive.


 The family of each player will be asked to take on at least one role within the team. This is so
     we all feel a part of the team and to make sure no one is doing so much that they suddenly have
     an extra job. If a player’s family absolutely cannot lead one of the team participation
     opportunities, they will be required to make a $250 financial donation to the team.

Team dues are non‐refundable and are designed to cover the costs of the team. All uniforms,
     equipment, etc. issued during the season is to be used by the players but is the property of the
     Atlanta Flames. This is to make sure we have uniforms and gear for 12 girls if someone leaves
     the team for any reason during the season.









Indoor hitting practices will be held on Sundays throughout the winter months beginning in January.  





Level of Play: We will start out in  B to B+ touraments. We will move to “A” when appropriate.

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